Royal Black
It's me, dude.
I'm Annisa Vania, 14 y.o. Just supporting Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lovato. I love fashion and photograph. I'm not a fashion designer, but someday I will. You can contact me on my twitter : @NeverSayTaylor. I dedicated my Twitter for Justin, Taylor, and Demi. And this blog, I dedicated to fashion, and you. Yes, You. SWAG

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: Taylor Alison Swift
Monday, September 10, 2012 | 6:23 AM | 0 comments
I ever think of a beautiful woman walk over the altar with her beautiful white dress. It is the moment when the bride have their happiest moment, with their holy promises to live together no matter what.

Well I don't have any idea to draw for. I was just thinking for a beautiful white dress but I didn't think about a wedding dress. I just drew and drew and drew as my idea flows. And look what I've done, finally I have a picture of a beautiful wedding in my head so I continued drawing.


Oh I can't believe what I've done. It is not that perfect, I know. I don't have any basic of designing outfits, I never study about it particulary and so just my drawing, so all I can present to you all is just thisss.

Naah I will show you more details of the top.

Old things