Royal Black
It's me, dude.
I'm Annisa Vania, 14 y.o. Just supporting Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lovato. I love fashion and photograph. I'm not a fashion designer, but someday I will. You can contact me on my twitter : @NeverSayTaylor. I dedicated my Twitter for Justin, Taylor, and Demi. And this blog, I dedicated to fashion, and you. Yes, You. SWAG

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: Taylor Alison Swift
Screenshot - Taylor Swift Perform at JetBlue Airways JFK Terminal 5 ♫
Thursday, September 8, 2011 | 2:40 AM | 0 comments

Description : On October 27, 2010 Grammy Award winning artist Taylor Swift stopped by our terminal at JFK airport to perform as a highlight of our Live from T5 concert series, and promotion of her newest album, Speak Now.

The intimate set was only open to a lucky few contest winners... and any JetBlue customer lucky enough to have been passing through to catch the show!

Following the set, Taylor and those lucky fans departed on a exclusive Flight Across America all the way to Los Angeles to continue their incredible adventure.

Thanks so much to Taylor and her friends for their support. Customers flying JetBlue can see a little bit more of Taylor Swift on our seatback TVs!

Ini beberapa screenshot dari video live nya Taylor Swift.
Di sini, Taylor Swift kelihatan memukau banget, dengan dress polkadot plus bangle shoes. Suaranya juga merdu,jadi tambah kesengsem, aww :*** <3 Dan beruntung banget yang bisa nonton di JetBlue's seatback TV BESIDE TAYLOR SWIFT! Bener,mimpi apa tuh semalem, bisa nonton bareng sama Taylor :( *jeles. Awhkhey ini beberapa foto dan screenshotnya :

Beruntung yang duduk di samping taylor :')

Eh eh coba tebak, mana Taylor??

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