Royal Black
It's me, dude.
I'm Annisa Vania, 14 y.o. Just supporting Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lovato. I love fashion and photograph. I'm not a fashion designer, but someday I will. You can contact me on my twitter : @NeverSayTaylor. I dedicated my Twitter for Justin, Taylor, and Demi. And this blog, I dedicated to fashion, and you. Yes, You. SWAG

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: Taylor Alison Swift
Bieber Quotes
Tuesday, September 6, 2011 | 9:00 AM | 0 comments
"If you don't dream big, there's no use of dreaming. If you don't have faith, there's nothing worth believing." - Justin Bieber
So keep these words on your head that you will :

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